Insurance loss Adjuster

What are they?

Insurance loss adjusters are people that are sent to investigate a claim that may be complex and requires further examination. They need to investigate the claim someone has made in order to see whether or not that the insurance company they work for will have to pay out. The insurance loss adjuster has many key roles when completing their task, the most important role for them is to visit the site where the claim was made and assess the damage. This is very important as the insurance loss adjuster has to decide whether the damage done (if any) warrants the claim that the person has filed for. Whist the adjuster assesses the scene they must take photographs so that they can be visually represented in the report, by doing this they also need to work out the best course of action for both the claimant and the insurance company. In terms of health and safety the insurance loss adjuster has to ensure that the site is secure once the assessment is complete so that no further damage or inconvenience which could increase the claim can occur whilst the process is taking place. Upon leaving the adjuster must advise the recommended repairs so that they an begin as soon as it is safe to do so.    

Fire investigation:

In terms of a fire investigation Insurance loss adjusters have a important role to play after the events of a fire have taken place. According ( Insurance loss adjusters have to decide whether the insurance company (that they work for) should or shouldn't pay out for the damage to the property that was involved in the fire. Their overall decision is based on the information that they can gain from the other agencies involved with the fire investigation, before they can make that decision they must wait for agencies like the forensic scientists and the detectives working the case. The forensic scientists are there to analyse the evidence which involves determining whether or not the fire was caused on purpose or by accident. The investigators will also help with the decision making because if it was caused on purpose then the investigators may know who did it and whether or not they are linked to the property owner. If the forensic scientists found out that after analysing the chemicals the fire has been deliberately caused  by the owner of the property or it has been set by a family member then the insurance will not pay out and the adjuster has a very easy job. However if there is a fire caused by no fault of the owners then the insurance loss adjuster must investigate and collaborate with the police to determine how much the owners are entitled to, they must then also then advise the owners on the next steps regarding repairs or new property. The involvement of the insurance loss adjuster isn't really beneficial to a fire investigation as they provide no new evidence to support the case and instead compile everyone else's evidence, however they are really beneficial to the insurance companies. They help the insurance companies decide whether the person is entitled to claim, and with the help of the other agencies the insurance loss adjusters can help save the companies a lot of money all year round.


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